In many years of assisting families with birth, watching couples welcome their babies is always exhilarating. To witness the raw, vibrant emotion around the moment of birth is both a thrill and a privilege every time. In our practice most women are highly incentivized to have their babies naturally and a majority of the fathers are just as motivated to help them through the process any way they can.
During labor, men participate in a myriad of ways, from taking walks together in the early stage, to breathing together through contractions, to counting during pushing, to touching, or to encouraging the mom with kind words. The pushing stage which leads to the grand finale is when men’s strength and encouragement shine brightest. Watching many men “catch” their newborns and share in the joy of welcoming baby to the world never gets old! And since guys want to be the best help they possibly can be, we want to make sure they each have access to their own Labor Link which we call their secret weapon.
Besides helping to connect them emotionally to momma with eye-to-eye contact, the Labor Link can also help the dad after hours of labor when he’s tired and down in the back from helping support the mom in numerous positions. Mom has one handle and he takes the other, providing the counterbalance for her. The Labor Link is truly a lifeline between the two of them, allowing dad to be her number one support person, helping her through those pushing contractions as they both anticipate greeting their newborn!
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